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Online Programm

Aufgrund der Covid-19 Pandemie weltweit mußten große Teile der 2020 Jahrestagung der Fantastikforschung abgesagt werden. Allerdings konnten einige Vorträge online abgehalten werden.


GFF Annual Conference, “Speculative Fiction and the Political” Online Panels

 Indigenous Futures
  • Sarah Cullingham (Ontario)–“Worlding Dystopia: Settler futurity in Margaret Atwood’s world of Gilead”
  • Ania Paluch (Ottawa)–“Matriarchs of the Anthropocene: Indigenous North American and Eastern European Dialogues Through Feminist Ecocritism”
  • Nora Castle (Warwick)–“Alternative Foodways and Alternative Futures: Food and Politics in Contemporary SF”


Science-Fiction and Historical Voices
  • Torsten Kathke (Mainz)–“From ‚Future Shock‘ to ‚Winning the Future‘: Newt Gingrich’s SF Politics”
  • Bodie Ashton (Passau)–“‘Hier ist ein Märchen von Übermorgen’: Raumpatrouille and Rethinking Germany’s Place in the Global Future”
  • Amanda Dillon (Norwich)–“Unheard Voices: The Time Travelling Woman as Writer of History”
  • Magdalena Wasowicz (Krakow)–“Alternate History and Politics of Memory in Poland”


Re-reading Myths and Folklorein Contemporary Fantasy
  • Jennifer Neidhardt (Düsseldorf)–“Lovers from the Underground: Revisions of the Hades/Persephone Myth in Contemporary Fantastic Fiction”
  • Mark Schmitt (Dortmund)–“On Folk Horror as a Political Mode”
  • Rebecca Graß (Bochum)–„Rebellen vs. Soldaten: Das Individuelle gegen das Uniforme in der Fantastik“ (German language!)


Gender and the Role of the Body in Science Fiction
  • Iuliia Ibragimova (Dublin)–“Countering the Weapon Fetishism: Call for Non-Violence in Popular Culture of the Cold War Period as represented by Captain America Volume 1 (1941-1996) and Anne McCaffrey’s The Ship Who Sang(1969)”
  • Joseph Jenner (London)–“The Gendered Politics of the Anthropocene: The Body and Look of the Female Astronaut”
  • Cristina Algaba (Sevilla)–“Empowering the simulacrum. Changing roles and power relationships in the dystopian theme park Westworld”
Contemporary Science Fiction Fandoms
  • Christina Wurst (Tübingen)–“The Rise of Skywalker Social Media Fan Response –Ideological Discourses in Online Fan Communities”
  • Ashumi Shah (Augsburg)–“Participatory Culture and Experimental Speculative Fiction”


GFF Konferenz Augsburg 2020 online panels